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The Importance of Liveness Detection in the Fight against Deep Fakes

The Importance of Liveness Detection in the Fight against Deep Fakes

Due to the easy availability of the internet and increasing online presence, identity theft is on the rise. Most people don’t even know the risks posed by today’s technological world. One of the common identity frauds is “Deepfakes.” Deep fakes are everywhere because they’re simple to create. Deepfakes are created by using neural network-powered AI. Therefore, deep fakes pose a serious threat to people’s digital identities. But the question is, is it possible to fight against deep fakes? If yes, then how?

Nowadays, lots of modern solutions exist to fight against deep fakes. One of the best options is to use customer identification software for Liveness detection. Before discussing the importance of Liveness detection in the fight against deep fakes, it’s essential to understand what deep fakes are.

What Are Deepfakes?

A process of creating fake videos, photos, and even audio by using artificial intelligence is called deep fakes. In deep fakes, people’s voices, faces, and actions are adjusted in a specific way. In most cases, it’s impossible to detect deep fakes without customer service software tools. People use deep fakes as dangerous cyber weapons to deceive and defame their opponents. Initially, deep fakes were created to victimize politicians and celebrities, but now private people are also affected by them.

As technology and software are evolving rapidly, the creation of deep fakes is also increasing. The quality of fake and forged videos and photos is getting better and better, so it makes it difficult to detect them in real time. Nowadays, it’s possible to create deep fake videos by using limited images.

How to Detect Deep Fakes?

Increasing accessibility of software and apps makes it possible to create deep fakes. Moreover, the process of deep fake creation is also the same. You need to upload a few photos or videos showing different faces. After that, the software or app analyzes existing facial features and identifies how to transmit those features onto other photos and videos using AI.

But the question is, is there any way to detect deep fakes? Yes, deep fakes can be detected in different ways, such as:

  • Facial Transformations

Deepfakes are mostly created by facial transformations. Therefore, it’s the easiest way to detect manipulation. One of the best methods to detect facial transformation is using the Liveness Detection technique. You can easily find various identity verification service providers that can help detect facial expressions and contour lines around the face. Usually, these facial features don’t match during Liveness detection, so it becomes easy to spot deep fakes.

Moreover, when signs of aging and the skin of two people are mixed to create deep fakes, they’re not the same. You can easily notice other manipulations in facial transformation, such as frequent blinking or unnatural eye movement, lack of emotion, and unnatural teeth. Digital identity verification companies like IDefy offer Liveness detection features so you can easily detect deepfakes.

  • Body Poses

Another helpful way to detect deep fakes is to monitor the body poses and postures of individuals appearing in the video. You’ll see that lip and hair movement is out of line. Therefore, you can easily detect manipulation.

Other clues for detecting deep fakes can be inconsistent audio and the digital fingerprint of the creator. Blockchain-based verification can prove the authenticity of the released photo or video.

Biometric Fraud Prevention with IDefy

After COVID-19, almost all processes have moved online. Customer identification verification is also one of them. Companies need to use trusted processes for verifying identity credentials. Digital identity verification solutions can be the best option against deep fakes.

As mentioned earlier, Liveness detection can help defend and fight against such attacks. Organizations can use customer service software tools to improve the security of customers’ data. So, organizations should contact IDefy to get advanced solutions like Liveness detection to detect and fight against identity fraud attempts.

Businesses can detect manipulated videos and photos using our solutions like Face Identity Verification and Liveness Detection.


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