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What Are the Benefits of Using Face Identity Verification Software in Your Business?

What Are the Benefits of Using Face Identity Verification Software in Your Business?

Cybercrimes are increasing at a rapid pace. Therefore, businesses need to implement multi-factor authentication and complex password policies to improve cybersecurity. Moreover, biometric verification is also another best way to increase security. But in recent years, we have seen a technology known as “Facial Recognition” that is becoming increasingly popular.  Face identity verification helps keep fake and unauthorized people away.


Using identity verification software can provide many benefits for businesses. We’ll cover some important benefits here in this article. So, let’s start.

What Is Face Identity Verification and How Does It Work?

Software that confirms a person’s identity using their face is called identity verification software. It measures and identifies facial features in an image or video footage. With identity verification software, it’s easy to identify that two images belong to the same person. It confirms whether the face matches with government-issued documents or not.

Nowadays, face identity verification software is powerful because they use AI-powered techniques. These techniques help ensure depth mapping, skin texture analysis, authenticity, and 3D sensing. AI algorithms have increased the efficacy of software. Using such software in businesses can help you prevent fraud.

6 Benefits of Using Face Identity Verification Software in Your Business

 Some benefits of identity verification software for businesses are given below:

  1. Enhanced Security

Compared to other ID verification systems, face identity verification is quicker and more efficient. Moreover, it’s faster than other biometric technologies like fingerprints. Face recognition software has fewer touchpoints than entering PINs or Passwords. Face identity verification can be used with other systems to enhance security.

  1. Improved Accuracy

With identity verification software, persons can be identified more accurately than using a mail address, IP address or mobile number. Due to this improved accuracy, exchange services use this technology to protect the assets of their customers.

  1. Easy Integration

Best identity verification software is compatible and can be easily integrated with other security software. For example, nowadays, most smartphones come with front-facing cameras to support facial recognition algorithms.

  1. Monitor Employee Attendance

Monitoring employee attendance has become much easier than ever before. Employers can use a biometric time clock to ensure the accurate attendance of employees. Moreover, with face identity verification software, it’s easy to identify which employees are absent. It also reduces the need for manual attendance tracking.

Employees also feel confident because their attendance records are accurate. As a result, the business can maintain efficiency in its operations.

  1. Fraud Detection and Prevention

With IDefy Face Identification Software, businesses can detect and prevent fraud. With face verification, business owners can cross-check the photo with a government-issued ID document. If there is a problem with face detection, then the verification will be declined. As a result, you can anticipate fraud before it causes damage to your business. Moreover, you can take timely actions to prevent them in the future.

  1. It’s User-Friendly

Face identification technology is user-friendly because all you need to do is to stand in front of a camera screen to be scanned. It means there is no need to get training to use it.

Which Businesses Can Be Benefitted from Face Identity Verification Software?

Due to the increase in digital communication and interaction, the need for advanced security has increased.

Now businesses are more conscious of protecting themselves from fraudulent activities.

Therefore, they’re using advanced technologies.

Facial recognition is also one of those technologies.

Almost all businesses can use identity verification software,

but the following businesses are using it to enjoy the benefits mentioned above:

  • Retail
  • Automotive
  • Telecommunication
  • Banking and Finance

Other industries like hotels, airports, and conveyance also use this technology.

Take Advantage of Face Identification Software Today

After reading about the benefits of using face identity verification software, you might be searching for the best identity verification software for your business. But you don’t need to research because IDefy Face Identification Software can help you enjoy all the benefits mentioned above.

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