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Why Do Companies Need ID Verification Software

Why Do Companies Need ID Verification Software?

Identity thefts are increasing day by day. Therefore, companies need reliable and robust identity verification software. With customer ID verification software, companies quickly verify customers and reduce the Identity theft ratio.

Nowadays, lots of services are offered online. Therefore, verifying customer IDs has become essential. With document ID verification software, companies can identify that they’re dealing with real customers. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of ID verification software for companies. Stick around with us.

What Is a Digital ID?

It’s an electronic version of a physical ID document. For example, driving license and passport are stored on the phone. With digital ID, you ensure you only share a little data with companies. In the past, it wasn’t easy for companies to verify identities, but with the development of identity verification software, a person can be identified in just a few seconds.

4 Reasons to Have ID Verification Software for Your Company

Companies around the world are now evolving to stay competitive in this digital world. Meanwhile, customers do lots of things online, so they don’t want their security or credentials to be compromised. Therefore, companies need to have a strong Identify verification system in place. Let’s have a look at 4 most important reasons why companies need customer ID verification software.

  1. To Stay in the Competition

In the past, companies used different authentication methods like two-factor authentication, which is still in practice. But now companies feel that these methods are outdated. Fraudulent have found ways to intercept these processes.

Therefore, companies need to take steps to become tech-savvy so that they can stay in the competition. If they don’t use the latest software for ID verification, they’ll be left behind.

  1. Help Build Customer Loyalty

As mentioned earlier, customers now prefer to do things digitally, but they want to ensure that their data is safe. It has been observed that customers don’t want to do business with companies that don’t guarantee the security of their data.

When companies take measures to ensure the safety of customers’ data, they get more conversions and build a customer base. With solutions like IDefy, companies can make customers’ journeys transparent. When you care about the well-being of customers, they connect to your company emotionally.

  1. Cost Effective

Digitizing customer ID verification can reduce operational costs. Manual verification involves security risks, and they’re time-consuming. In contrast, identity verification software can automate the process and verifications are done in real-time. It means these solutions are cost-effective.

  1. Prevent Fraudulent Activities

It’s the most important reason why companies need to use customer ID verification software. Fraudulent activities have increased in recent years because fraudsters have found ways to bypass old security systems.

Data breaches not only harm companies financially, but it also shakes customers’ trust in such companies. So companies should take this factor seriously and invest in identity verification software.

Why Do Companies Need to Use Identity Verification Software?

Verifying user information against open-source databases is a time-consuming and lengthy process. Companies can also build on-site solutions, but it requires massive investment. So what’s the best option, then? The best approach is to search for the best customer ID verification software online. You’ll find lots of options.

You can integrate with any 3rd party vendor, and they’ll do the following tasks for you:

  • The software vendor will take care of software updates.
  • Automate the ID verification process to scale your business.
  • Verify IDs to reduce identity theft and make the verification process easy.

These are the reasons why most companies are using ID verification software.


Due to a significant increase in identity thefts in recent years, it’s essential for companies to use identity verification software. We have discussed some most important reasons why companies need customer id verification software. So, if you want to prevent your company from financial losses, build a loyal customer base, and prevent fraudulent activities, then start using IDefy today.

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